Literacy that increases their appetite for learning

Literacy that increases their appetite for learning

Literacy that increases their appetite for learning


Early Years

Stellar acknowledges the unique needs of early learners(3-6 years). It focuses on developing and nurturing early learners who are natural inquirers and learn through playful interactions with people and their environment. The safe and dynamic environment of our classrooms promotes play, discovery and exploration.

Building Blocks

Kindergarten is an essential milestone in a child’s life, filled with academic and social growth. Through play, students and teachers explore science and social studies-based themes in depth which seamlessly builds language readiness and pre-math concepts for young learners. The Stellar Life Literacy framework equips students with daily skills that are the building blocks for their future success in school and life.


Learning Milestones

At Stellar, every child participates in a holistic learning experience integrating socio-emotional, physical development, and cognitive development. During the early years, learners begin to:

  • Express themselves
  • Inquire, identify and solve problems
  • Explore the world around them
  • Socially connect with peers and teachers